Jumbo Mag Digital slope meter; Produced for easy angle and slope measures, with resistance to outdoor ambiance conditions; It´s a very sensitive device .
- Jumbo mag slope meter has wide easily readable LCD screen .
- There are magnets beneath device that can be attached to metal surfaces .
- Frame of Jumbo mag electronic slope meter is made of gray coloured sensitive aluminium frame .
- Due to easy measurement with 15 cm length; You can carry it with you .
- You can turn on and off it with "ON/OFF" button .
- Scales on screen can be fixed with "HOLD" button .
- Automatic rotation to read easily slopemeter´s screen in double direction .
- Automatic calibration in accordance with surface .
- Auto power off after 5 minutes When no measurement has been made for energy saving .

Jumbo mag electronic slope meter water sace; Measurement is available by attaching magnets
beneath device to metal surface .

Jumbo Mag digital slope meter water scale; Easy measurement and carriage with 15 cm length .