Mortars and Crucibles
Mortars are used to crumble solids into powder and crucibles are laboratory pots where these solid materials are crumbled and tested
Clear and wash mortars are crucibles after each use.

These mortars are sold as a set. 1 set contains 6 mortars
Crucibles are laboratory pots that are used in drying, burning and melting processes. They are resistant to heat and other reactives. Especially used in gravimetric workouts.
Glass and porcelain crucibles should be brought to balanced wight. If it is used for iron detection, temperature should be 700 C, for lead detection, 110-120 C.
For iron detection, await the crucibles in oven of 700 C for about 2-3 hours. Then, take it out of the oven and put it into desicator untill it cools down to room temperature and weigh it. Repeat the process for 1-2 hours at 700 C again and cool it down and weigh once more. If there is weigh change less than 0.0002 g, stop the process since weighing balance is reached.
The weigh balance cannot be estimated. It can be learned after each measurement.