- TFA 14.1500 Oven thermometer; You can observe temperature momentarily due to the fact that It can
display changing temperature simultaneously .
- In AMT 136 Oven thermometer; Alarm can be set for upper limit .
- AMT 136 Oven thermometer can be used on the table and pinned up .
- It can be attached to metal surfaces with magnets in the back .
- You can see maximum and minimum temperature degrees recorded by device with MIN, MAX buttons
on thermometer .
- You can fix temperature values in the screen with HOLD button .
- Measurement is available with °C/°F temperature units . (In Turkey °C is used )
- Probe can be connected to device and be removed .
In picture above, You can see sensor of AMT136 oven thermometer and position of connection point . Sensor can be
removed when not used, later can be connected when a new measurement is carried out .
Buttons on device and functions:
ON/OFF:Button useed to turn on and off device;
MAX^: Button used to see the highest degrees,to memory press for 2 seconds .
MIN v: Button used to see the lowest degrees, to memory for 2 seconds .
AL SET: Button used to set temperature alarm .
HOLD: Button used to keep indication scale on the screen for easily reading .
CAL: Button used to correct degree .
ºC/ºF: Button used to change between temperature units .