Elite 100 measuring device; It is a measuring device that can measure the temperature and humidity values in any closed environment and dispaly the max/ min rates incessantly on the screen.
-Elite100 is an indoor temperature and humidity meter.
-The values that can be seen from the device screen; INSTANT ambient temperature value. MAX temperature value. MIN humidity value and comfort (DRY,WET.COMFORT) information.
- The highest and lowest temperature and humidity values??in the environment can be monitored continuously. This data can be reset by pressing a button.
- Temperature display can be ed from ° C and ° F from ELITE-100. ° C degrees centigrade are used in Turkey.
- How comfortable the temperature and humidity in your environment is as a living space can be seen from DRY (dry), WET (moist) and COMF (comfort) on the screen.
- You can use the Elite 100 meter in any indoor environment thanks to its stylish appearance and ease of use. It can be used in all kinds of environments such as home, workplace, office, store, school.